GMCR installed solar panels on the roof of Peel Hall Primary School in summer 2018. You can see how much electricity the solar panels have generated this week here.
As well as generating clean energy and saving carbon, GMCR’s solar panels have become an educational resource for the school; that’s why we introduce the schools we work with to Manchester Environmental Education Network (MEEN).
MEEN worked with a school team to gather their understanding of climate change and then helped them become educators for the wider community.
For several weeks the team studied information on climate change, played games based on the issues and considered all the angles of climate change and what we need to do to combat it.
The team used their knowledge and understanding to create a huge mind map which included issues such as deforestation, CO2 emissions from transport and heating, emissions from rubbish and waste, food issues such as cows’ burps and farts and the impacts on biodiversity and the jet stream.
See Part 2 for how the students got on at the Mayor’s Green Summit…